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Sian's Page


Hello, this is my home page!
My name is Sian and I'm 16 years old.

Feel free to take a look around.

I promised I'd put a link to this website:


Please sign my guest book by clicking on 'Guest Book Page' on the left

NEW 'Courtney Page'


[ABOVE] Travis, aka "lil Trav", "McTravis" or "Bloody Cat"

To see a comedy Simpsons clip CLICK HERE

My Hobbies
I like to play Hockey, Football and Rugby, I like eating custard and drinking milk, spending time with my close friends is fun, I love hiking and camping, and have an obsession with D of E and maps! When I'm out of school i like to be in my room listening to my music and either playing on Monkey Island, playing on my playstation or mucking around on my bass.

My Favorite People

All my buddies, you know who you are!

Dusty and Timmy

These are my cats, Dusty (left) and Mr T (right).

Dusty is grey and was born 15th November 1997, she is 6 years old.

Mr T, a.k.a Vic, Scrouge or Timmy, is Ginger and was born 1st April 1992, he is 12 years old.

I also have a goldfish called, Albert Einstein, but 'Albert' for short. Albert is a legend, he travelled all the way to from Wales to Dry Drayton in a jam jar of water!! And he is still alive. (and before you say it, no my parents haven't just replaced it everytime it died, they swear on their lives that it is the original albert)

Unfortunately Mr T sadly passed, R.I.P

We just got a new kitten, because we all miss Mr T so much. His name is Travis, and he is ginger and very fluffy. (There are some pictures of him on my photo page btw)